RSE minimum wage
Sick leave entitlement

RSE workers' new pay rate and sick leave entitlement

RSE minimum wage

RSE workers must be paid at the New Zealand minimum wage plus 10 percent. From 1 April 2024, that's $25.47 per hour (NZ minimum wage $23.15 + 10%).

The four weekly minimum wage is 120hours (average of 30 hours per week).

For more information, please refer to the Immigration NZ website

Sick leave entitlement

From 1 October 2023, you need to provide your RSE workers with 2 days of sick leave entitlement from their first day of employment, and an additional 2 days each month until they reach a total entitlement of 10 days’ sick leave on their 4-month anniversary.

For more information, please refer to the Immigration NZ website. 


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