Digital timesheets

Still manually entering timesheets? Switch to digital timesheets and see how much simpler timesheeting will be for you and your employees. 

Construction worker on their phone

Digital timesheets with Smartly

Digital timesheet breakdown

Feature breakdown – what you’ll get from our Digital Timesheets

How It Works
End-to-end payroll workflows
Employee logs hours. Manager approves. Hours flow through to payroll. Run a pay. Money automatically paid into employees bank accounts. Leave accrued. Payroll sorted.
Employees submit timesheets through the Smartly app
Ditch the paper timesheets. Clean up the texted hours. Get everything in one place. Using our Smartly app, employees can log their hours every pay run and have them flow straight through to payroll.
Timesheets integrated with payroll
Forget entering hours manually into payroll and then sorting pays, or even using one system for timesheets and another for payroll. Have everything in one place with Smartly. Way simpler.
Managers can edit and submit timesheets on behalf
If you have busy people on the job and you need to quickly get a timesheet through for a pay run, you can! Managers can create, edit and submit timesheets on behalf of their team.
Timesheet calendar view
Our calendar view quickly shows managers their team’s hours for the pay period all in one place. That makes it easier to check all hours are accounted for, before approving timesheets. Sweet as.
Assign hours to your unique department and job structure
If your business has people working on multiple jobs or you’ve got teams working across departments, we’ve got you sorted. Employees can log hours by job or department and have them flow through to payroll (and Xero if you like). All correctly coded for you to run some sweet reports.
Employees can save timesheets as drafts and edit as they go
Employees can log hours as they go in the Smartly app. Save the timesheet as a draft and keep editing to add more hours throughout the week. At the end of the week, simply review everything’s in order and then submit to a manager for approval.
Your pay week and timesheet week in sync
If your pay period is Wednesday to Tuesday, that’s what your employees will see in their timesheet week. Make it super simple for them to log hours in line with the pay week. It’s the little things that all add up to simple.
Edit and approve timesheets on the go
Managers can easily edit and approve time entries for their employees from anywhere with the Smartly app.

How does Smartly work for your industry?

  • Retail
    Smartly makes payroll simple for retailers. Automate staff payments, PAYE, and payday filing. Learn more
  • Hospitality
    Hospitality payroll can be complex with part-timers, full-timers and contractors. Find out how Smartly makes it easy. Learn more
  • Professional services
    Track hours by job and automate staff payments in Smartly Payroll. Professional services, sorted. Learn more

Keen to hear more?

Whether you want to find out more about our features,  the benefits of Smartly or our payroll plans - our team of payroll experts are here to help.

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