For your business size

Check out how Smartly works for different business sizes. The simple way to sort your payroll.

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  • 1-5 employees
    Smartly payroll is designed with Kiwi small businesses in mind. We make it simple to pay your people on time, accurately and in line with regulation. Learn more
  • 6-19 employees
    As your business grows and you hire more employees, you’ll want a way to keep your payroll accurate and simple to manage for you and your employees. Timesheets, payslips, PAYE, payday filing and more. Learn more
  • 20-99 employees
    Smartly payroll gives you total visibility of your team. Comprehensive reporting, accurate and faff-free payroll so everyone’s paid on time. Learn more
  • 100+ employees
    Smartly Payroll is faff-free payroll. Automate payments, calculate leave in line with legislation, digitise timesheets, report on all things payroll and more. Salary, wages, contractors and more. Learn more

Keen to hear more?

Whether you want to find out more about our features, the benefits of Smartly or our payroll plans - our team of payroll specialists are here to help.

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