Process the pay (New navigation)
Generating a bank file

Process the pay (New navigation)

1. From Pay, Run a pay, click Process pay run.

2. In the pop up window that appears, enter the date you want the payroll to be sent to the bank. Note: Pays can only be processed up to 30 days in advance of the current date. 

3. Click Submit. This will send the file to the bank and payday filing to IRD.

Finalising your pay will update all reports so your records are correct. 

Generating a bank file

If you choose to make payments to your employees and the IRD yourself, you can extract a bank file from Smartly to upload via internet banking.

1. Go to Settings, Company settings, and under 'Direct Credit Schedule Options', choose your bank. This will ensure the bank file is configured correctly to your bank's requirements. Click Save.

2. Go to Reports, then Reports & Bank File, then choose a pay. 

3. Click on Bank File and a file will download. 

4. Follow your bank's instructions on how to upload a bank file. 

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