Set up an automation
Add tasks through a template
Create your own task list
Edit or delete a draft automation
Edit, delete or deactivate a published automation


Automate your admin with our handy Automations. Once set up, the automation will run in the background and will send employees an email when a task needs to be completed. 

Set up an automation

Automations can be set up in three easy steps.

Step 1 of 3 - Choose your automation type

Go to Manage, Automations and click + Create automation

Choose your automation type and click Continue.

Step 2 of 3 - Set up your automation

Fill out the required information to set up your automation. 

  • Automation title - Give your automation a name.
  • Certification type - Choose the certification type. If you need to add a new certification type, go Settings and Manage dropdown options to set it up. Refer to our Managed dropdown options article for more information.
  • Certification renewal deadline - You can choose to be notified before or after a certification expires.
  • Time before expiry  - Enter how much time before or after a certification expiry you want to be notified. 
  • Timeframe - Relates to the time before expiry. Choose either days, weeks, or months. Eg. I want to be notified 1 month before a certification expires so I will choose 1 Month.
  • Who is the certification holder - Choose all employees, employees by position, or specific employees.

Click Continue once all the information has been filled in. 

Step 3 of 3 - Add tasks

Add tasks to your automation by either using a template or create your own task list. 

Add tasks through a template

At Step 3 of 3, if you would like to add tasks to your automation by using a template, simply click the right arrow of the template you need:

Use a template to add tasks

Click Delete to delete the tasks you don't need, and click Edit to edit the tasks you do. 

Edit or delete a task

When you click Edit, a pop up box will show. Choose a task owner for the task; this can be the certificate holder, the certificate holder's manager or a particular person. 

You can add in the task due date and edit the task description if required. 

You can add attach a file for your employees to download and read, provided it has been uploaded into Company files. Please refer to our Company files article for information on how to upload a company file. 

You can also request the employees' acknowledgement that they have read and understood the document by ticking the box under the attached document. 

Click Save to save the edited task. 

Once you have edited all the tasks you need, you can either save the automation as a draft by clicking Save as draft, or click Publish if you are ready to publish.

Please note: Any task owners who haven't had thier employee permissions enabled won't receive any tasks assigned to them. Instead these tasks will be directed to the automation owner. For information on how to enable employee access, please see our Employee Permissions article. 

Create your own task list

At Step 3 of 3, if you would like to add tasks to your automation by creating your own task list, click on the right arrow next to 'Create your own task list'. 

Create your own task list

Give your task list a title and click Next

Add a task by clicking + Add task and filling out all the required information. 

You can add attach a file for your employees to download and read, provided it has been uploaded into Company files. Please refer to our Company files article for information on how to upload a company file. 

You can also request the employees' acknowledgement that they have read and understood the document by ticking the box under the attached document. 

Click Save to save the task. 

You can add as many tasks as you need to the task list. 

Once you have added all the tasks you need, you can click on Save as draft to save, or click Publish if you are ready to publish. 

Please note: Any task owners who haven't had thier employee permissions enabled won't receive any tasks assigned to them. Instead these tasks will be directed to the automation owner. For information on how to enable employee access, please see our Employee Permissions article. 

Edit or delete a draft automation

If you'd like to edit or delete a draft automation go to Automations, and then click Drafts. 

Click on the three dots next to the relevant automation and then click Edit or Delete

If you want to publish a draft automation, you need to click Edit first and then click Publish.

Edit, delete or deactivate a published automation

If you'd like to edit or delete a published automation, go to Automations, and then click Published. 

Click on the three dots next to the relevant automation and then click Edit or Delete

You can deactivate a published automation by switching the status of a relevant automation from Active to Deactivated.

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