Manage dropdown options
You can edit, delete and add dropdown options for the menus in the People screen. You will find the Manage dropdown options tab under Settings on the left hand menu.
Deleting dropdown options
1. To delete a 'Not in use' dropdown option, click the trash bin icon, and then click Delete to confirm.
2. To delete an 'In use' dropdown option, you will first need to delete it from your staff's Employee details section, and then repeat step 1.
Note: The option names with an ‘in use’ status can only be edited, whereas ‘not in use’ names can both be edited and deleted.
Editing dropdown options
To edit the dropdown option, click the edit pencil icon, rename the option, then click Save.
Note: This will rename the option for all your employees.
Adding dropdown options
1. To add a new dropdown option, click Add new options in the top right corner.
2. Choose the option type: Position, Teams, Assessments, Qualifications, Licenses & certifications.
3. Add a description under this type, eg. Position, Growth Marketing.
4. You can bulk add descriptions to this type by clicking ‘Add another [X]’.
5. Enter your new description(s), and then click Save.
6. To assign the new dropdown option to employees, you will need to do it under the Employee details section.