User types
Edit your employee's personal information
Update the employment profile
Update your employees' bank and tax details
Upload employee files
Manage dropdown options

Managing your employees' details

The People screen is where you will find all information relating to your employees - from personal information and documents, to bank and employment details.

Depending on your user type, you will see up to four tabs as outlined below.

In this article, we will concentrate on the HR admin view which has access to Personal, Employment and Files tabs. 

User types

Payroll and HR admin view

Access to Personal, Employment, Bank & Tax, Files, Leave, Costing, Payments, Work Pattern, and Debt tabs.

Payroll admin view
Access to Personal, Employment, Bank & Tax, Leave, Costing, Payments, Work Pattern, and Debt tabs.

HR admin view

Access to Personal, Employment and Files tabs.

Manager view
Access to Personal, Employment, and Files tabs. 

Note: The sections visible within each tab will vary based on user type. 

Edit your employee's personal information

The Personal tab contains the employee's personal information, such as basic details, emergency contact information, and work eligibility.

To edit your employee's personal information: 

1.  Go to People and click on the right arrow next to the employee.

2. Go to the Personal tab.

3. Make the required changes and click Save.

Tip: If you need to update the employee's address, Google will come up with suggestions as you type. If none of the suggestions are what you need, you can manually type in the full address.

Note: The primary email address will only need to be filled in if the employee's app has been activated, or if you would like to email the payslip to the employee. Please note the email address for the employee app and the payslip email address are one and the same. The alternate email address field is simply there to record another email address.

Update the employment profile

The Employment tab contains the employee's employment details, position history, and training and compliance statuses.

To edit the information in your employee's Employment tab:

1.  Go to People and click the right arrow next to the employee. 

2. Go to the Employment tab.

3. Make the required changes and click Save.

Employment tab

Position Information Wizard
If you have employees with unconfirmed position details, our helpful Position Information Wizard will automatically pop up, displaying your employees' employment data based on your existing payroll data.

You can edit and confirm the details for employees by checking the tick box on the left of the employee name. The position wizard will pop up any time you select Employment for an employee whose details are not yet confirmed.

Otherwise, you can add and update position details for your employee at any time using the steps on "Adding position details for an employee" section below. 

Position info wizard

Adding position details for an employee

1. Select a Position dropdown and choose from any existing positions, or Add new. Enter the new position, click Add, and it will be added to the dropdown list to use.  

Add position details for an employee

2. Select Position start date using the calendar or by typing it in.

3. (Optional) Select the employee's manager and team. All this employee's details will be shared with the selected manager. 

Position start date and manager

Employee position history

Each time you update your employee's position, it will be added to their 'Position history'. Here you'll be able to see their position title, start date, end date and service length for each role they work in at your business.

Tip: You can easily sort the position, start date, end date and service length column.

Position History

Training and compliance

As part of your Employment screen, you have the ability to add Training and Compliance records for your team. You can add an assessment, license, certification, or qualification that your employee has obtained.

Training and Compliance statuses

Licenses & Certifications

  • Expiring soon - This status will show 30 days before the license or certification is due to expire.
  • Current - The license or certification will show as active up until 30 days before it is due to expire.
  • Expired - This status will show once the license has passed the expiry date.


  • Pending - This status will show for assessments with a future date.
  • Overdue - This status will show when an assessment has passed the date without a result.
  • Completed - This status will show when the assessment has a valid date and result.


Qualification statuses are set up by you, and not linked to a date.

You can set up statuses when you add a new qualification record for an employee.

Add training and compliance to an employee's profile

1. From the Employment tab, click Add new, then choose from the Training and Compliance types.

2. Fill in the rest of the information, then click Add. You can easily add a new name for the qualification, assessment, license or certification. Once it's been added, it becomes an option available to all users.

3. Once the record has been added, you can see it in a list format. The 'Training and compliance' table will show items that are 'Expired', and 'Expiring soon' at the top. You can rearrange this table by 'Name', 'Type', or 'Status'.

4. To view more information or to edit an item, simply click on the arrow.

5. You can make changes to the record and then click Save. To delete the entry, click Delete.

Upload employee files

Use the Files tab to upload and store employee files, documents, contracts, certificates, forms, and reviews.

1. Go to People and click the right arrow next to the employee. 

2. Click on the Files tab.

Files tab

To upload a file: 

1. Select Upload. 

2. You can upload files from your computer, or drag and drop up to 10 files at a time. Each file must be no bigger than 10MB.

Accepted file types:

  • PDF
  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • DOC
  • DOCX
  • XLS
  • XLSX
  • CSV
  • PPTX
  • PPT

3. If you upload a file type that's not accepted, an error message will appear stating that the fle format is not supported.

4. Once your files are successfully uploaded, you will see an 'Upload successful' message. You can choose to upload more files or click Done


Bulk upload employee files

You can bulk upload files to different employees by going to:

1. Manage, Bulk actions, click Upload files.

2. Select the files you want to upload and click Next.

3. Select the employee(s) you want to assign the file(s) to and click Next.

4. Click Done.

Bulk upload employee files

To search a file

In your default view, you'll be shown the files most recently uploaded at the top. You can re-order the list by 'Name', 'Date' or the person it has been 'Uploaded by'. The search function allows you to search by name, or by the file type, eg. PDF.


To download a file:

Click on the download arrow next to the file.

If you'd like to do a bulk download of files, select the files you need, click Actions and then click Download.


To delete a file:

Click on the bin icon next to the file to delete.

If you'd like to delete multiple files, select the files you want to delete, click Actions and then click Delete.

Adding/Editing a file catergory

1. To add or edit a category, select a file and then click Actions, and Edit categories

2. Select the category you want to edit, click the pencil to edit or the bin to delete.

3. Click Save once you’re done.

To add a category, simply click + Create new category and then type the new category name.

Click Save once you're done.

Manage dropdown options

You can edit, delete and add dropdown options for the menus in the People screen. You will find the Manage dropdown options tab under Settings on the left hand menu.

Deleting dropdown options

1. To delete a 'Not in use' dropdown option, click the trash bin icon, and then click Delete to confirm. 

2. To delete an 'In use' dropdown option, you will first need to delete it from your staff's Employee details section, and then repeat step 1.

Note: The option names with an ‘in use’ status can only be edited, whereas ‘not in use’ names can both be edited and deleted.


Editing dropdown options

To edit the dropdown option, click the edit pencil icon, rename the option, then click Save.

Note: This will rename the option for all your employees.


Adding dropdown options

1. To add a new dropdown option, click Add new options in the top right corner.

2. Choose the option type: Position, Teams, Assessments, Qualifications, Licenses & certifications.

3. Add a description under this type, eg. Position, Growth Marketing.

4. You can bulk add descriptions to this type by clicking ‘Add another [X]’.

5. Enter your new description(s), and then click Save.

6. To assign the new dropdown option to employees, you will need to do it under the Employee details section.

Add new dropdown option
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