Set up HR admins
Set up managers with HR access

Set up HR users

You can set up HR admins and managers to assist you with people management. 

Set up HR admins

To create new admin login,

1. Go to Settings, Employee permissions, find the relevant employee and click Admin access.

Please note you will only see the Admin access button if you are the master user.

2. Choose the access level you would like the employee to have. E.g. If you want the user to have HR access only, you would toggle on 'Manage people' and leave the other toggles off.

If you are not sure about the access entails, hover over the little information icon for more information.

3. After you have entered all the required information, enter your password to authorise the change and click Save. You will then see the Admin tag next to the select employee’s name.  

If the person who you want to create an admin login for is not an employee of the company, simply go to:

1. Settings, Users and Add.

We have not changed how a user is created on the Users screen. It’s the same process, you’ll simply see an additional pop up asking if this admin access is for an existing employee.

2. Click ‘Non-employee’.

3. Add in the required fields such as the username, the person’s name, their email address and assign them a password. The user can reset their password once they have logged in. You would also need to select their user roles, and which pay groups they have access to.

4. Enter your password at the bottom under 'Authorise user change'.  

5. Advise your admin of their username and password. After logging in, they can change their password by clicking on their initials at the top right of the screen.

Set up managers with HR access

1. Go to Settings and Employee permssions

2. If the employee hasn’t had their employee permissions enabled, please enable them first. 

Under the ‘Manage employee access’ tab, enter their email address, username and tick on ‘Enable employee access’.

3. Under the ‘Set permissions’ tab, set what functionalities you would like them to have.

  • Apply for leave - allows them to apply for leave through the Smartly app.
  • Enter timesheets - allows them to enter timesheets through the Smartly app.
  • Approve leave - enables them to approve leave through the Smartly app and through their Work Hub.
  • Approve timesheets - enables them to approve timesheets through the Smartly app and through their Work Hub.
  • Basic manager access - Enables them to view the employee details screen for their direct and indirect reports, excluding bank and tax details.
  • Advanced manager access - Enables them to edit the employee details screen for their direct and indirect reports, excluding bank and tax details. Also allows them to create and assign tasks.

4. Under the ‘Assign approvers and managers’ tab, assign employees to this user.

Please note: The leave approver, timesheet approver and manager for an employee can be the same person or different people.

5. Click Save to save your changes.

6. To activate a user for self-service for the first time, click Set password select the employee from the pop-up list. You will need to advise the employee of their username.

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