Leave requests
Leave calendar

Managing your team's leave

When you log into your Work Hub, you will see a dashboard that shows how many leave requests are pending your approval. To view these requests, click on the arrow within the Leave widget. This action will take you to the Leave requests tab under Organise, where you can review and approve pending leave requests from your team members.

Leave widget

Leave requests

The Leave requests section allows you to manage your team's leave requests all from one place. You can approve, decline, edit, and add leave on behalf of an employee.

Leave approvals screen

Filter your view

You can use the Search section to look up an employee's name to show their leave requests.

You can filter your view by leave types:

  • All
  • Annual leave
  • Sick leave
  • Lieu taken
  • Long service
  • Bereavement leave
  • Alt. public holiday taken
  • Leave without pay
  • Domestic violence leave
  • Special leave

You can also filter your view by the leave status:

  • All
  • Pending
  • Approved
  • Partially processed

Approve, decline or edit a leave request

To approve, decline or edit leave request, click on the pencil icon next to the selected employee's name.

Approve leave request

A pop up will appear that allows you to approve, decline or edit the employee's leave request.

To approve or decline the leave request, simply click Approve or Decline. To edit the leave request, make your edits and then click Save.

Save or decline a leave request
Quick tip

Adding a leave request on behalf of your employee

To add a leave request on behalf of your employee, simply click Add leave.

Add a new leave entry

A new leave request will pop up on the screen.

Fill in the information for the request, then click Save.


Add a leave request details

Leave calendar

The Leave calendar gives you a calendar view of your team's pending and active leave. It will also show public holidays and regional annviersaries in pink for your reference. 

Leave calendar
You can filter your Leave calendar by:
  • Status*
  • Leave type
  • Employee
Leave calendar filters

* By default, you aren't shown the declined leave in your calendar, but can use the Status filter to show them. 

With the three filters, you can click on the dropdown arrow and start typing to search what you are looking for. This is especially handy when you are looking for an employee. 

Week/Month toggle

You can easily change your calendar view by selecting Week or Month

Month view

This view only shows you employees with leave requests.

Week view

By default, this view will only show employees with leave. Untick the "Only show employees with active leave" box to show all employees. 

To change the date of the calendar view

Click on the month at the top left hand side of the calendar at anytime to select a date using the date picker.

Click Today at the top right side of the calendar to be taken back to the current date. Or use the arrows to move forward or backwards between the weeks/months. 

Changing the date on the Leave calendar

Adding a leave request on behalf of your employee

To add leave for an employee, simply click on the Add leave for an employee button located to the top right, fill in all relevant information and then click Save.

Note: Any leave you add on behalf of an employee or employees will show up as Approved. 

Add leave for an employee
Fill out the leave request
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