
Work hub dashboard

The dashboard gives you a quick overview of items that require your attention. Depending on what features your company has activated, you may see some or all of the following:

The Tasks widget shows you any tasks which are overdue, due soon or are active tasks to do. Clicking on the arrow within the Task widget will take you to the Tasks tab where you can view more details about each task. 

The Leave widget shows you how many leave requests are awaiting your approval. Clicking on the arrow will take you to the Leave requests tab under Organise.

The Timesheet widget shows you how many timesheets are awaiting your approval. Clicking on the arrow will take you to the Timesheets tab under Organise.

The Approved hours section is a summary of your employees’ approved leave and timesheet hours.

  • If your employee’s approved leave and timesheet hours match their standard hours or work pattern hours, it will be colour coded green.
  • If it doesn’t match, it will be colour coded red and show if their hours are over or under.
  • If an employee doesn’t have standard hours, it will be colour coded blue. 

Please note if an employee doesn’t use timesheets, they will not show up in the Approved hours section. 

To the right of your dashboard, you can see a Key dates section. Key dates include employees' birthdays, work anniversaries, who has leave coming up, public holidays and regional anniversaries. If you have the Direct reports only toggle on, you would see the key dates of your direct reports only. If you toggle it off, you would be able to see the key dates  of your indirect reports.

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