Onboarding - setting up allowances for the first time
If you have allowances you need to set up for your staff, follow the below steps:
1. Click on Company details.
2. Now, click on Pay components.
3. Go to the Allowances tab and click on Add.
4. Enter the name of the new allowance.
5. Determine if the allowance is taxable. If it is non-taxable, untick the Taxable box. Allowances are generally taxable except in certain circumstances, such as for reimbursements. For more information, please refer to the IRD website.
6. Select the options that apply. Click on the ? for information about the options.
7. Click Save.
8. Click on Contract groups.
9. Now select the Contract group you would like the allowance applied to, e.g. Salaried employees, or waged employees. If you would like to apply the allowance to both groups, select one group first and follow the below steps.
10. Scroll down the page to Allowances and tick the box next to the new allowance to apply it to this contract group.
11. Click Save. Repeat for any other contract group that the allowance will apply to.
You will apply the allowance to the applicable employees when you set up the employees.