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Logging in
Managing your team's timesheets
Managing your team's leave

Managers portal guide

The managers portal is used to easily manage your team's timesheets and leave requests. 

This guide covers:

  • Logging in
  • Managing your team's timesheets
  • Managing your team's leave requests

For a PDF copy of this guide, please click here

Logging in

Your managers portal is found at https://login.smartly.co.nz, and you can login with the same username and password that you use for your Smartly app.

Once you've logged in, you'll be taken to the Home page. In the left hand menu are 'Team leave' and 'Team timesheet'.

Manager portal menu

You can access the 'Timesheet approvals' screen by clicking the arrow next to 'Team timesheet'. 

Team timesheets

You can access the 'Leave approvals' screen by clicking the arrow next to 'Team leave'.

Team leave

Managing your team's timesheets

When you click into 'Team timesheet' you'll see 3 tabs, 'Pending', 'Approved' and 'Completed'. 

Pending, Approved and Completed tabs

Under the 'Pending' tab, you'll find all timesheet entries that are waiting to be approved.

You can 'Approve' or 'Decline' an employees entry by clicking the pencil icon.

Approving or declining timesheets
Approving or declining timesheets
Quick tip

You can 'Add' timesheets under the 'Approved' tab. 


Add a timesheet entry

Select the correct employee, and then click 'Add entry'.

Select an employee

Once you click 'Add entry', a pop up will appear. Fill in all the details for the time entry, then click 'Save' once completed.

Add timesheet entry

You can also 'Edit' and 'Delete' a time entry in the 'Approved' tab. Click on the white pencil icon to edit an approved time entry. 

Or click on the bin icon to delete a time entry. 

Edit or delete timesheet

In the 'Completed' tab, you'll be able to view timesheet entries that are completed. You can search multiple employees and view all at once, or you can search for a particular employee. 

Completed timesheets

Managing your team's leave

Our 'Leave approvals' section lets you manage your teams leave requests all from one place. You'll be able to approve, decline, edit and add leave on behalf of an employee.

Leave approvals screen

You can view all types of leave requests on your 'Leave approvals' screen. Or simply select a leave type you want to view. 

View leave types

You can also filter your view by the leave status. Select 'Pending', 'Approved', or 'Partially Processed', or simply 'Select all' to view all leave statuses. 

Filter leave types

Use the 'Search' section to search an employee name to show their leave requests.

Search employee by name

To open and edit a leave request, click on the pencil icon. 

Approve leave request

A pop up will appear that allows you to edit, save or decline the employees leave request

Save or decline a leave request
Quick tip

To add a new leave request, simply click 'ADD LEAVE'.

Add a new leave entry

A new leave request will pop up on the screen.

Fill in the information for the request, then click 'SAVE'.


Add a leave request details
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